Tuesday, March 18, 2003

A study corroborates what my Dad used to say. Think about how happy you are on an average day.........that’s about as happy as you’ll ever be.

I guess it is obvious to us who find our true happiness in Jesus that the ups and downs of daily life are just that -ups and downs juxtaposed on a life of true happiness.

Marriage produces a big increase in happiness but according to a study of the "life satisfaction" of 24,000 Germans the newlyweds' satisfaction returned to pre-marriage levels after just two years.

The researchers, from Michigan State University, set out to discover whether the increased happiness of newlyweds was permanent.

Previous studies have found that the satisfaction of people undergoing extreme change - positive or negative - quickly reverts to previous levels.

Oh, and why does Michigan State have to study Germans? Couldn’t they find 24,000 happy Michigan newlyweds?

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-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

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Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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