The Way I Figure It...
If I buy a Schleich animal every time I go near the Toy Station - which is approximately four times a week - I'll have a nice little farm/zoo/jungle by the time Lily is big enough to play with little animals. She'd better want to play with little animals. I'll be heavily invested in little animals.
(Sorry, no Smurfs. I just could never get with the Smurfs. They're blue. That's not natural.)
Obtained a hedgehog and duck on my way home today.
The nice girl at the Toy Station (aka our girl Martha) gave me a complimentary booklet which I can carry with me to check off the animals as I find them. This will help, as I'm already having trouble keeping them straight. I had no idea how broad the selection is. Parents who come across the minimal Schleich display in Target's toy department should know this is just a gateway item. Don't think there are just a few lions, tigers and bears. Before you know it you are encouraging your college daughter to make a career of the toy business - at least until you can complete your basic (employee discounted) knights. And elves. And dragons. And maybe a few trees, too.

...Buddy Squirrel!
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