Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dust in the Wind
Not the song one wants to listen while having one's bones scanned.
Though any kind of music was a blessed reprieve.
Rick had some sort of full body scan last year and came home with a CD that the technician burned for him on the spot because he had been so taken with it. (Shaw/Blades' Influence. I was impressed, too. I was never a Styx fan, so I had reservations the first time he suggested I listen.) I was lucky to come home with my sanity intact. This test was not painful or risky, but I still would rather have a colonoscopy.

For a hospital with a 'healing garden' and other soft healing touches, you might think that there would be optional 'healing' music. Though one person's healing music is another's gag inducing treacle. I wonder if I could bring my own invigorating mix disc. Iggy Pop's Lust for Life, a little Mozart, some early Springsteen plus some Beach Boys, especially Good Vibrations topped off by Freebird. No OutKast's HeyYa...I don't want to be encouraged to "shake it" when I'm told to hold perfectly still.

My guess is that ninety-nine out of a hundred people don't want to hear Knockin' on Heaven's Door or Dust in the Wind.
Does anyone ever want to hear Dust in the Wind? Ever?

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Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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