Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What was I thinking!
The Charlotte Mason Companion recommends using black velvet as the perfect background for examining snowflakes. So surely the abandoned pair of black velvet slacks on the school table must have been some sort of divine sign that the boys should do a little snow investigation. I planned a nice lesson for their pater to lead while I am at work. Not realizing that today is going to be 50 degrees, foggy and just plain gloppy. Move on to plan B. Whatever that may be. And hide those velvet pants before their owner decides to take them back. (Leave your stuff on the school table and I consider it a donation to the educational cause.)

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St. Isidore Foundation

I cannot live under pressures from patrons, let alone paint.
-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Meet the Family...
Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
If you need to ask, you may not wish to know.

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