Monday, July 28, 2003

Strange Attachments
Several weeks ago I purchased some fabric remnants with which to make some throw-pillows for the family room. The material is cotton with a simple stripe and little hearts pattern. Something was so comforting and familiar about the fabric, that I bought it and then found a use for it.

While cleaning the garage last week, I came upon some boxes of baby clothes that I didn't remember keeping. When we moved five years ago, I must have held on to some of Eddie's things just in case. The daughter of a friend of mine is having a baby in a few weeks and as I washed and folded this stuff to give to her (including about 15 pairs of BabyGap socks - I was sooo into little socks for Eddie, no wonder he hates to wear any at all now!) I was appalled at my reluctance to part with these things. I don't need them.
So I decided I really needed to detach from the stuff and what it represented. And I was doing well, until I came to the sling. And I saw its fabric - cotton with a simple stripe and little hearts. That explains those pillows. I must honestly admit (and this is not easy for a stiff upper lip type) that I cried a few tears as I hung the sling up to dry. Not for the sling, but for knowing that a door is closing on one part of my life...

I dropped the clothes off at my friend's house today. I told her daughter to have fun playing with the socks. And I promised to come back and help her get used to using the sling when the baby arrives. (I was tempted to give her a quick lesson using her Cairn Terrier, but he's very old, not in good health and being slung about like a baby would not have been kind.)

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-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Meet the Family...
Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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