Monday, July 21, 2003

It's difficult....
to imagine my sister in this dress. Maybe it looks more charming in person. Or a larger picture.

I must admit - it has sleeves. I've noticed the brides at church are showing a lot of flesh these days. That seems to be the look. High priced, satin and lace sleeveless Ace bandage with a full skirt.

Time for bed. I wrote something about the great free cosmetics/fragrance give-away looming on the horizon, but like my collection of old Shalimar bottles, I lost it. Maybe I can recreate my thoughts in the morning. But for now, time for z-z-z-z-z-.....

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St. Isidore Foundation

I cannot live under pressures from patrons, let alone paint.
-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Meet the Family...
Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
If you need to ask, you may not wish to know.

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