Sunday, March 16, 2003

This was so sad I just about cried. (And I am not terribly lachrymose!)
A man who believed his regimen of strict discipline and diet of herbal supplements would bring his large family closer to God was sentenced to more that 16 years in prison for letting one of his children starve to death.

But I may print out the article and pass it around on those Fridays when the children imply that lack of pepperoni on a pizza is ‘child abuse.’

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St. Isidore Foundation

I cannot live under pressures from patrons, let alone paint.
-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Meet the Family...
Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
If you need to ask, you may not wish to know.

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