Saturday, March 15, 2003

the nasty looks I’ve received simply carrying a baby onto a plane, I wonder if they’ll be able to find a jury that will convict this guy:
Authorities charged a former Northwest Airlines flight attendant with assault for allegedly putting a prescription depressant in 19-month-old girl's apple juice to stop her crying during an international flight.

I’m horrified at the idea of a flight attendant slipping Xanax to a toddler. But I wonder how many of this man’s peers will be more sympathetic with his humanitarian urge to quiet a fussy child on a long flight.

The Irish Princess and I flew to Vermont when she was about 2. She was just getting over an ear infection and the pediatrician told me to slip her a dose of elixir of Tylenol with codeine just before the flight to combat any ear discomfort she might have. He assured me she’d doze all the way to Burlington..... Ha.
We were in the take off queue for so long that she chewed and swallowed all of the gum that I gave her to help her ears pop. Then the drugs resulted in a paradoxical reaction that turned her into the most animated, lively little traveler I’ve ever accompanied. The flight from Chicago to Burlington,VT is relatively short..........but it’s quite a long time for a 2 year old to keep up a running monologue.

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Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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