Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Holding Down the Fort

anxious and troubled about a few things.  First of all, holding down the fort when we're between forts.  Our time was up at our temporary house - and not a moment too soon* - two weeks ago.  Not having found the right place at the right price, we are currently split between two places.  My commute is getting to be a bit taxing, though I must admit I was spoiled by all the years of having a 7 minute drive
to work.

I guess I am still more of a homemaker than I thought, since I feel a bit at loose ends without my own space to 'make.' But I do find enough "Martha-ish" things to do in the course of a day.  And managed to find the time to write something about Ss. Martha and Mary, which I was so tempted to subtitle, Yes, We Could Clog a Dyson!

*it was the random gunshots that really wore our nerves thin. That and the crackhead who lived in the basement. Though the dog never quite was acclimated and went into a real funk when the daily fireworks began as soon as the whether warmed up.  Everyday was the Fourth of July in that neighborhood.  And July 4th itself was like a war zone.


William Luse said...

Are you in a better place now?

Ellyn said...

Much, much better Bill!

St. Isidore Foundation

I cannot live under pressures from patrons, let alone paint.
-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Meet the Family...
Collect the Action Figures

Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
If you need to ask, you may not wish to know.

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