The Answer is "Checkers"!!!
Now what was the question? Had to take a moment to gloat at dinner last night. The girls were begging to Chuck to attend Trivia Nite with them next time, supplanting Mom as ringer-in-chief. Oh, you who attended the "one of the nation's best" high school. You who thought home-schooling was inadequate. Did you know the name of Nixon's famous dog? No, no you didn't. Your home-schooled brother did. (OK, some of you were home-schooled for a time. Obviously you were not paying attention when Checkers was discussed. Experience is a harsh teacher. You tanked in last Thursday's game. You'll remember Checkers now. Just the way I remember how to spell formaldehyde. I'd be a perfect speller if everything could have been reinforced by the stinging humiliation of defeat in front of a gym filled with my grade school peers.) Don't feel bad. Your Dad went to the same high school as you - and he never gets the joke when I refer to that gray, shapeless fleece garment that won't die as "my Republican cloth coat."
My Annual Über-Celtic Moment
28 minutes ago
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