Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh, NOprah...

There was a rare evening some days back when I caught the daily Oprah 11:00pm rerun. It was such a schlock fest, with Oprah wiping back tears as she attested to the life changing promises of “The Secret.” I’m not making this up - Ironic Catholic caught some of the histrionics - so there are witnesses. Oprah gets caught up in these life changing things on a regular basis. But this “The Secret” biz is especially flaky. Flaky, offensive and as the article says, meretricious. I love it when we can find good use for such a rich word.

...with survivors of Auschwitz still alive, Oprah writes this about "The Secret" on her Web site, "the energy you put into the world -- both good and bad -- is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day. You cannot 'catch' anything unless you think you can, and thinking you can is inviting it to you with your thought...” Oprah, from a studio within walking distance of Chicago's notorious Cabrini Green Projects, pitches a book that says, "The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts."

Here are some pieces of The Secret according to Ellyn:

If you can buy it on, it’s not much of a secret.

The law of attraction does explain the dog hair on my clothes.

I have been visualizing a Jaguar. And you know what, it is there in the parking lot at work. It’s not mine, so I guess I bobbled on the visualization.

The best part of Oprah’s “The Secret” was when a small, still voice said, “This is b*llsh*t. Turn of the telly and pray your rosary.”

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-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

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Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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