Friday, November 14, 2003

Let it Be?
After a relatively rough night at work (i.e., five and half hours of quiet, tedious work plus a half hour of paging a priest to go to the emergency room - more adrenaline producing than usual because I knew the people involved - followed by trying to get out of the office in time to see some of ER....) I was pleased to hear some of the Beatles’ ‘new’ Let it Be....Naked on the radio. It sounded good. Not necessarily better but good. I would quibble with the puerile Naked title. Wouldn’t Let it Be....Ex-Spectorated more apt? The new tracks aren’t naked. They just have spit upon the Wall of Sound. Which is not without merit. Sometimes a wall of sound is not necessary.

While I’m on a Beatles rant, let me recommend one of those great movie soundtracks that is better than the movie....I Am Sam.

I haven’t actually seen I Am Sam, but I heard it was something of a stinker. But the the soundtrack, with Beatles faves covered by a variety of artists is good. Different, but definitely good.

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-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

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Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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