Check out Mommentary for another blast of Ixnay on the Oxvay Eiday.
To the lyricist responsible for this abomination I have this to say: you're not the bread of life; don't try to implicate me in this dirty outburst of spiritual pride by saying that I am, either; what "you and I" are is poor stumbling sinners trying, and ever failing, to do our best, and so far from being fit nourishment for the souls of others, in constant and crying need of mercy and strengthening ourselves.
It’s a comfort to know I’m not the only one whose nerves are jangled by some popular hymn lyrics. The boys are still recovering from my last tirade, in the car in the church parking lot - yes, I waited until I was in the car to spew my vitriol. “I can’t raise anyone up on the last day- and neither can you. Remember that! OK, who wants to go to Burger King?”
NYC Tuesday
5 hours ago
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