Saturday, January 04, 2003

Help Us, St. Anthony
Kairos has an engaging post on Catholic practices, idolatry, rigorism etc. including: Until very recently, I was unaware of a tradition among some Catholics to leave the infant Jesus out of their Nativity scenes until after sundown on Christmas Eve. I had heard of that practice, found it to be charming and adopted it. Not with the same rigoristic vigor of some people who are truly horrified by the appearance of the Christ Child in a creche before December 25, but more as a symbolic and instructive act. It hasn’t totally caught on......after years of this, my children still quiz me with, “Where is Jesus? Why isn’t Jesus there?” And I explain. Not this year. The answer is, “I don’t know.” I put Jesus in a very safe place, safe from busybodies who might try to expedite his arrival. And I can’t find him. I know he’s here. Somewhere.

I also know of people who start out the Magi on one side of the room and have them work their way across, to arrive at the creche on the Feast of the Epiphany. That’s a trick I won’t even attempt. Too many opportunities for disaster, improv comedy, or just plain misplacement.

There was a time that this would really cast a pall on my Christmas celebration.......but this year I am trying to keep it all in perspective. To quote more Anything that is a creation remains useful only while it reminds us of the Creator. The moment it takes on a value greater than that, it ceases to be useful and becomes harmful.

If St. Anthony would be so kind as to help me locate baby Jesus by tomorrow, it would be most appreciated........

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-- Michelangelo, quoted in Vasari's Lives of the Artists

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Yes, three jade ribbons. 15 Years!
(not all the same child)
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