Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Dude, where’s my towel?.......
Just when I had forgotten about my missing Greetings from Asbury Park beach towel, The Mighty Barrister reopened the case with his mention of Bruce Springsteen’s Grammy nomination for album of the year for The Rising. There isn't a single song on The Rising that could hold a candle to the worst song on Greetings from Asbury Park. Not one. I’ll yield to his judgement on this one. I haven’t heard all of The Rising. That little Sunny Day tune is catchy, but almost cookie-cutterish enough to put him in danger of becoming another John Foggerty plagerizing himself. It’s funny that I would be thinking about this. I missed hearing the Grammy nominations, but I was listening to Bruce on the radio on my way to and from Mass. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out on the way to town; that Sunny Day song on the way back. Old Bruce is better. Put on The Wild, The Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle to expedite the deconstruction of the Christmas tree.

And reflecting upon the the Barrister’s comments about has-beens Elton John, N-Sync, Bon Jovi, and Rod Stewart got at least one nomination each, perhaps the time has come for the Grammy folks to make has been an official category.

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