Which White Christmas Character are You?
That would be a fun quiz. I would like to say that I’m Betty (loving, mother-hen older sister) or the General (they ate, then I ate; they slept, then I slept....) It has been pointed out to me by a family member that I am Emma the nosy housekeeper. I slept on that........and woke up this morning to the realization that he was right.
A bunch of young people were visiting last night, including Dave, the man who used to live on our couch. I noticed a young lady sitting next to him. She wasn’t Sandra, his girlfriend. I had to fight the impulse to call one of the girls aside and ask, “Where is Sandra? Who is that dubious girl sitting next to Dave?” The girls have their own Emma-ish streak - Sandra was never good enough for Dave.........and they would probably be overjoyed to see him with someone else.
Big time impulse fighting at work the other night! My sister called on Monday afternoon to announce that “all my praying had paid off,” - how did she know? - that her daughter had asked to be baptized and that she herself was thinking of joining the Church. The Church. Capital T, Capital C. She had some months back made an off-hand comment that if she were to ever join a Church, it would have to be the Catholic Church.
Now that she announced her decision to accept Pascal’s wager, albeit with still a bit of trepidation, I find myself at work, leaning on the Kennedy directory and mulling calling the pastor of the parish in her home town and doing a little advance work for her. Explaining her, and where she is coming from and warning the pastor of possible pitfalls in his conversation with her. Oh, my God, am I nuts? (And I use the Lord’s name here in its most prayerful way.) What kind of meddling imbecile calls a church to introduce herself and her totally intelligent, articulate 43 year old sister? I mean, at work I am supposed to look out for the nut cases and direct them accordingly. I’m not supposed to be one.
So I’m back to praying, praying, praying. Any prayers that any of you would wish to offer for her conversion would be greatly appreciated.
30 Vintage Olympic Posters Through the Years
4 hours ago
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