It's PayDay!!!
So I really must be off to Wal-Mart for TP, PT, LT, dtgnt, etc. My inclination is to crawl back into bed and figure we can wring out the toothpaste tube for another couple of days. When I'm being tempted in that direction, it's usually a sure sign that I need to go to Mass, stay for the rosary and then get on about my business. Crawling back in the sack is never as great as think it will be and is usually the start of a disjointed day.
Will do my best to stay out of Target for 'just a look.' Did go to the Highland Park Target on Saturday night with Em. It was more of a mother/daughter bonding thing than a bacchanal of 50% off holiday purchasing. Though I did find a few gems that I'll save for Karen's St. Nicholas box next December. Brass ornament hooks! (OK, at $.75 a package, I did get some for myself. But I don't think I'll replace all the old hooks.......) And a pickle ornament. Next year they will be in their new house and a pickle should be a nice 'first Christmas in the new homestead' type gift. Otherwise, I avoided buying tons of gift wrap, etc. since I don't have a good place to store it for the next eleven months. And that kind of hoarding makes me think of my father, who would come home from the supermarket on December 26th remarking about the people buying all the Christmas wrap at half price and his perception of their supreme confidence that they would still be alive in a year. (My father wasn't really the pessimistic sort..... but he certainly did enjoy conjecture about the purchases of his fellow shoppers.)
Crime and Punishment
5 hours ago
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